
Simplicial complexes from Homology from Volkmar Welker.
Name D6-6
Group JGD_Homology
Matrix ID 2052
Num Rows 120,576
Num Cols 23,740
Nonzeros 146,520
Pattern Entries 146,880
Kind Combinatorial Problem
Symmetric No
Date 2008
Author V. Welker
Editor J.-G. Dumas
Structural Rank 18,660
Structural Rank Full false
Num Dmperm Blocks 2
Strongly Connect Components 75,727
Num Explicit Zeros 360
Pattern Symmetry 0%
Numeric Symmetry 0%
Cholesky Candidate no
Positive Definite no
Type integer
SVD Statistics
Matrix Norm 5.477226e+00
Minimum Singular Value 0
Condition Number Inf
Rank 14,409
sprank(A)-rank(A) 4,251
Null Space Dimension 9,331
Full Numerical Rank? no
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Simplicial complexes from Homology from Volkmar Welker.     
From Jean-Guillaume Dumas' Sparse Integer Matrix Collection,
Filename in JGD collection: Homology/D6-6.sms               
The original file contains 720 duplicate entries,           
and is the only file in the JGD collection with             
duplicates.  The original triplets can be found             
in Problem.aux.T, where the kth triplet is row k            
of T: row index T(k,1), column index T(k,2), value T(k,3),  
so that A = spconvert (Problem.aux.T)