Differentials of the Voronoi complex of perfect forms
Name D_5
Group JGD_SL6
Matrix ID 2187
Num Rows 434
Num Cols 115
Nonzeros 1,832
Pattern Entries 1,832
Kind Combinatorial Problem
Symmetric No
Date 2008
Author P. Elbaz-Vincent
Editor J.-G. Dumas
Structural Rank 114
Structural Rank Full false
Num Dmperm Blocks 3
Strongly Connect Components 6
Num Explicit Zeros 0
Pattern Symmetry 0%
Numeric Symmetry 0%
Cholesky Candidate no
Positive Definite no
Type integer
SVD Statistics
Matrix Norm 1.806204e+01
Minimum Singular Value 0
Condition Number Inf
Rank 95
sprank(A)-rank(A) 19
Null Space Dimension 20
Full Numerical Rank? no
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Differentials of the Voronoi complex of perfect forms                    
from Philippe Elbaz-Vincent, Institut Fourier, Grenoble, France.         
From Jean-Guillaume Dumas' Sparse Integer Matrix Collection,             
D_5  Smith Invariants = [ 1:92 3:2 18:1 ]                                
D_6  Smith Invariants = [ 1:338 2:1 ]                                    
D_7  Smith Invariants = [ 1:621 2:5 6:1 60:2 ]                           
D_8  Smith Invariants = [ 1:637 3:3 12:1 ]                               
D_9  Smith Invariants = [ 1:491 ]                                        
D_10 Smith Invariants = [ 1:318 2:3 4:2 ]                                
D_11 Smith Invariants = [ 1:129 2:6 6:1 ]                                
Filename in JGD collection: SL6/D_5.sms