
Photogrammetry problem, B. Luong, FOGALE nanotech, France
Name photogrammetry
Group Luong
Matrix ID 1895
Num Rows 1,388
Num Cols 390
Nonzeros 11,816
Pattern Entries 11,816
Kind Computer Graphics/Vision Problem
Symmetric No
Date 2008
Author B. Luong
Editor T. Davis
Structural Rank 390
Structural Rank Full true
Num Dmperm Blocks 1
Strongly Connect Components 1
Num Explicit Zeros 0
Pattern Symmetry 0%
Numeric Symmetry 0%
Cholesky Candidate no
Positive Definite no
Type real
SVD Statistics
Matrix Norm 1.748613e-04
Minimum Singular Value 4.018035e-13
Condition Number 4.351911e+08
Rank 390
sprank(A)-rank(A) 0
Null Space Dimension 0
Full Numerical Rank? yes
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Photogrammetry problem from Bruno Luong, FOGALE nanotech, France.     
The problem of interest is:                                           
    [U S V]=svd(full(A),0);                                           
The spectrum has two parts:                                           
- the singular values s(1) to s(end-7) are 1.7486e-004 to 3.4655e-007 
(ratio 504.57).                                                       
- the singular values s(end-6) to s(end) is smaller than 2.9614e-012  
(ratio > 5.9e7).                                                      
So in this problem, the following are considered:                     
K = span<U(:,end-6:end) > is the kernel of A, and                     
L = span<U(:,1:end-7) > = orthogonal(K) is isomorph to Im(A).