Networks from SNAP (Stanford Network Analysis Platform) Network Data Sets,
Jure Leskovec
email jure at
Notre Dame web graph
Dataset information
NOTE: see also the version from the Pajek dataset:
Barabasi/NotreDame_www (matrix ID 1510) in the UF Collection.
Nodes represent pages from University of Notre Dame (domain and
directed edges represent hyperlinks between them. The data was collected in
1999 by Albert, Jeong and Barabasi.
Dataset statistics
Nodes 325729
Edges 1497134
Nodes in largest WCC 325729 (1.000)
Edges in largest WCC 1497134 (1.000)
Nodes in largest SCC 53968 (0.166)
Edges in largest SCC 304685 (0.204)
Average clustering coefficient 0.4540
Number of triangles 8910005
Fraction of closed triangles 0.08767
Diameter (longest shortest path) 46
90-percentile effective diameter 9.3
Source (citation)
R. Albert, H. Jeong, A.-L. Barabasi. Diameter of the World-Wide Web. Nature,
File Description
web-NotreDame.txt.gz University of Notre Dame web graph from 1999
NOTE: a similar version of this problem already appears in the UF Collection:
web-NotreDame Barabasi/NotreDame_www
in SNAP/: n: 325,729 nz: 1,497,134
in Barabasi/: n: same nz: 929,849
The Barabasi/NotreDame_www is an exact copy of
the graph of that name in the Pajek data set.
The SNAP collection has a different version of this
graph, of which SNAP/web-NotreDame is an exact copy.
It is possible that Barabasi's version of the graph is yet
a 3rd version of this graph.