Networks from SNAP (Stanford Network Analysis Platform) Network Data Sets,
Jure Leskovec
email jure at
Citation for the SNAP collection:
author = {Jure Leskovec and Andrej Krevl},
title = {{SNAP Datasets}: {Stanford} Large Network Dataset Collection},
howpublished = {\url{}},
month = jun,
year = 2014
The following matrices/graphs were added to the collection in June 2010
by Tim Davis (problem id and name):
2284 SNAP/soc-Epinions1 who-trusts-whom network of
2285 SNAP/soc-LiveJournal1 LiveJournal social network
2286 SNAP/soc-Slashdot0811 Slashdot social network, Nov 2008
2287 SNAP/soc-Slashdot0902 Slashdot social network, Feb 2009
2288 SNAP/wiki-Vote Wikipedia who-votes-on-whom network
2289 SNAP/email-EuAll Email network from a EU research institution
2290 SNAP/email-Enron Email communication network from Enron
2291 SNAP/wiki-Talk Wikipedia talk (communication) network
2292 SNAP/cit-HepPh Arxiv High Energy Physics paper citation network
2293 SNAP/cit-HepTh Arxiv High Energy Physics paper citation network
2294 SNAP/cit-Patents Citation network among US Patents
2295 SNAP/ca-AstroPh Collaboration network of Arxiv Astro Physics
2296 SNAP/ca-CondMat Collaboration network of Arxiv Condensed Matter
2297 SNAP/ca-GrQc Collaboration network of Arxiv General Relativity
2298 SNAP/ca-HepPh Collaboration network of Arxiv High Energy Physics
2299 SNAP/ca-HepTh Collaboration network of Arxiv High Energy Physics Theory
2300 SNAP/web-BerkStan Web graph of Berkeley and Stanford
2301 SNAP/web-Google Web graph from Google
2302 SNAP/web-NotreDame Web graph of Notre Dame
2303 SNAP/web-Stanford Web graph of
2304 SNAP/amazon0302 Amazon product co-purchasing network from March 2 2003
2305 SNAP/amazon0312 Amazon product co-purchasing network from March 12 2003
2306 SNAP/amazon0505 Amazon product co-purchasing network from May 5 2003
2307 SNAP/amazon0601 Amazon product co-purchasing network from June 1 2003
2308 SNAP/p2p-Gnutella04 Gnutella peer to peer network from August 4 2002
2309 SNAP/p2p-Gnutella05 Gnutella peer to peer network from August 5 2002
2310 SNAP/p2p-Gnutella06 Gnutella peer to peer network from August 6 2002
2311 SNAP/p2p-Gnutella08 Gnutella peer to peer network from August 8 2002
2312 SNAP/p2p-Gnutella09 Gnutella peer to peer network from August 9 2002
2313 SNAP/p2p-Gnutella24 Gnutella peer to peer network from August 24 2002
2314 SNAP/p2p-Gnutella25 Gnutella peer to peer network from August 25 2002
2315 SNAP/p2p-Gnutella30 Gnutella peer to peer network from August 30 2002
2316 SNAP/p2p-Gnutella31 Gnutella peer to peer network from August 31 2002
2317 SNAP/roadNet-CA Road network of California
2318 SNAP/roadNet-PA Road network of Pennsylvania
2319 SNAP/roadNet-TX Road network of Texas
2320 SNAP/as-735 733 daily instances(graphs) from November 8 1997 to January 2 2000
2321 SNAP/as-Skitter Internet topology graph, from traceroutes run daily in 2005
2322 SNAP/as-caida The CAIDA AS Relationships Datasets, from January 2004 to November 2007
2323 SNAP/Oregon-1 AS peering information inferred from Oregon route-views between March 31 and May 26 2001
2324 SNAP/Oregon-2 AS peering information inferred from Oregon route-views between March 31 and May 26 2001
2325 SNAP/soc-sign-epinions Epinions signed social network
2326 SNAP/soc-sign-Slashdot081106 Slashdot Zoo signed social network from November 6 2008
2327 SNAP/soc-sign-Slashdot090216 Slashdot Zoo signed social network from February 16 2009
2328 SNAP/soc-sign-Slashdot090221 Slashdot Zoo signed social network from February 21 2009
Then the following problems were added in July 2018. All data and
metadata from the SNAP data set was imported into the SuiteSparse
Matrix Collection.
2777 SNAP/CollegeMsg Messages on a Facebook-like platform at UC-Irvine
2778 SNAP/com-Amazon Amazon product network
2779 SNAP/com-DBLP DBLP collaboration network
2780 SNAP/com-Friendster Friendster online social network
2781 SNAP/com-LiveJournal LiveJournal online social network
2782 SNAP/com-Orkut Orkut online social network
2783 SNAP/com-Youtube Youtube online social network
2784 SNAP/email-Eu-core E-mail network
2785 SNAP/email-Eu-core-temporal E-mails between users at a research institution
2786 SNAP/higgs-twitter twitter messages re: Higgs boson on 4th July 2012.
2787 SNAP/loc-Brightkite Brightkite location based online social network
2788 SNAP/loc-Gowalla Gowalla location based online social network
2789 SNAP/soc-Pokec Pokec online social network
2790 SNAP/soc-sign-bitcoin-alpha Bitcoin Alpha web of trust network
2791 SNAP/soc-sign-bitcoin-otc Bitcoin OTC web of trust network
2792 SNAP/sx-askubuntu Comments, questions, and answers on Ask Ubuntu
2793 SNAP/sx-mathoverflow Comments, questions, and answers on Math Overflow
2794 SNAP/sx-stackoverflow Comments, questions, and answers on Stack Overflow
2795 SNAP/sx-superuser Comments, questions, and answers on Super User
2796 SNAP/twitter7 A collection of 476 million tweets collected between June-Dec 2009
2797 SNAP/wiki-RfA Wikipedia Requests for Adminship (with text)
2798 SNAP/wiki-talk-temporal Users editing talk pages on Wikipedia
2799 SNAP/wiki-topcats Wikipedia hyperlinks (with communities)
The following 13 graphs/networks were in the SNAP data set in July 2018 but
have not yet been imported into the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection. They may be
added in the future:
The 2010 description of the SNAP data set gave these categories:
* Social networks: online social networks, edges represent interactions
between people
* Communication networks: email communication networks with edges
representing communication
* Citation networks: nodes represent papers, edges represent citations
* Collaboration networks: nodes represent scientists, edges represent
collaborations (co-authoring a paper)
* Web graphs: nodes represent webpages and edges are hyperlinks
* Blog and Memetracker graphs: nodes represent time stamped blog posts,
edges are hyperlinks [revised below]
* Amazon networks : nodes represent products and edges link commonly
co-purchased products
* Internet networks : nodes represent computers and edges communication
* Road networks : nodes represent intersections and edges roads connecting
the intersections
* Autonomous systems : graphs of the internet
* Signed networks : networks with positive and negative edges (friend/foe,
By July 2018, the following categories had been added:
* Networks with ground-truth communities : ground-truth network communities
in social and information networks
* Location-based online social networks : Social networks with geographic
* Wikipedia networks, articles, and metadata : Talk, editing, voting, and
article data from Wikipedia
* Temporal networks : networks where edges have timestamps
* Twitter and Memetracker : Memetracker phrases, links and 467 million
* Online communities : Data from online communities such as Reddit and Flickr
* Online reviews : Data from online review systems such as BeerAdvocate and
Note that some versions of these graphs already appear in the SuiteSparse
collection. Some have similar names:
web-BerkStan Kamvar/Stanford_Berkeley
in SNAP/: n: 685,230 nz: 7,600,595
in Kamvar/ n: 683,446 nz: 7,583,376
I obtained the Kamvar/Stanford_Berkeley directly
from Sep Kamvar. It is slightly smaller than the
version in SNAP. It is thus likely that Sep created
multiple versions of the graph.
web-Google appears only in SNAP.
web-NotreDame Barabasi/NotreDame_www
in SNAP/: n: 325,729 nz: 1,497,134
in Barabasi/: n: same nz: 929,849
The Barabasi/NotreDame_www is an exact copy of
the graph of that name in the Pajek data set.
The SNAP collection has a different version of this
graph, of which SNAP/web-NotreDame is an exact copy.
It is possible that Barabasi's version of the graph is yet
a 3rd version of this graph.
web-Stanford Kamvar/Stanford (same size and nnz)
n: 281,903 nz: 2,312,497
The SNAP/web-Stanford graph and the Kamvar/Stanford
graphs have the same number of nodes and edges.
However, they differ in nonzero pattern.
cit-HepTh Pajek/HEP-th-new is identical to the
SNAP/cit-HeptTh graph. Since it's small, I have
decided to include both in the collection, to
keep the SNAP/ collection complete.
n: 27,770 nz: 352,807
cit-HepPh appears only in SNAP
ca-HepPh appears only in SNAP
ca-HepTh appears only in SNAP
Pajek/HEP-th appears only in the Pajek collection
cit-Patents in SNAP n: 3,774,768 nz: 16,518,948
Pajek/patents n: same nz: 14,970,767
Both of these come from the NBER data. However,
the edges are not the same. The SNAP/cit-Patents
data is a strict superset of the Pajek/patents graph.
If A0 = Pajek/patents and A1 = SNAP/cit-Patents,
then nnz(A1-A0) = nnz(A1)-nnz(A0) = 1,548,181.
All edges in A0 appear in A1.
The aux data is not the same. Pajek/patents contains
more auxiliary data for each node. This data can be
used to interpret the SNAP/cit-Patents graph as well,
since the nodes match up from one graph to the other.
NOTE: the 2018 GraphChallenge data sets include many of these matrices,
at In the GraphChallenge data set,
the graphs have all been made symmetric, and the diagonal entries
(self edges) have been removed. The meta data has been preserved
in the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection, but does not appear in the
2018 GraphChallenge data sets. Finally, the node ordering differs
between the two; the SuiteSparse ordering either matches the SNAP
node ids 1:n or 0:n-1, or when the graph is a subset of node ids,
the node number is provided here in a Problem.aux.nodeid, or .userid
component of the problem. This information is not provided in the
GraphChallenge data sets.