Group Sinclair
Group Description |
3-D spectral-element elastic wave modelling in freq. domain, C. Sinclair, Univ. Adelaide, Australia. catherine dot sinclair at adelaide dot edu dot au. 3Dspectralwave: The A matrix is produced using 3-D spectral-element elastic wave modelling in the frequency domain. The medium is homogeneous and isotropic with elastic coefficients: c11 = 6.30, c44 = 1.00 The B matrix represents a real y-directed source, placed approximately in the centre. The model size in elements is 20x20x20. Each element is 1m x1m x 1m. Each element is a 4x4x4 Gauss-Lobbato-Legendre mesh, so the height, width and depth of the system is 61 nodes. There are 3 unknown components at each node - the x, y and z displacements. The A matrix therefore has dimension 680943 x 680943, where ((20 x 4) - (20 - 1))^3 * 3 = 680943. The problem domain is earth sciences. Note that A is complex and b is sparse and real (b has a single nonzero). The A matrix was provided with a nonzero imaginary part, but was otherwise complex Hermitian. To save space in the Matrix Market and Rutherford/Boeing formats, the A matrix here has had this imaginary diagonal removed. The shift can be found in the aux.shift auxiliary matrix. To reproduce the original A matrix, use A = Problem.A + Problem.aux.shift ; Added to the collection in May, 2007, by Tim Davis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3Dspectralwave2 is a smaller version: The A matrix is produced using 3-D spectral-element elastic wave modelling in the frequency domain. The medium is homogeneous and isotropic with elastic coefficients: c11 = 6.30, c44 = 1.00 The B matrix represents a real y-directed source, placed approximately in the centre. The model size in elements is 20x20x20. Each element is 1m x1m x 1m. Each element is a 4x4x4 Gauss-Lobbato-Legendre mesh, so the height, width and depth of the system is 61 nodes. There are 3 unknown components at each node - the x, y and z displacements. The A matrix therefore has dimension 680943 x 680943. ((20 x 4) - (20 - 1))^3 * 3 = 680943 Added to the collection in June, 2007, by Tim Davis |
Displaying all 2 collection matrices
Id | Name | Group | Rows | Cols | Nonzeros | Kind | Date | Download File |
1857 | 3Dspectralwave2 | Sinclair | 292,008 | 292,008 | 12,935,272 | Materials Problem | 2007 | MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market |
1856 | 3Dspectralwave | Sinclair | 680,943 | 680,943 | 30,290,827 | Materials Problem | 2007 | MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market |